Located on 5 and one half acres in beautiful Sequim, Washington, the site of our American Northwest Factory is also the location of Allied Titanium's Western Headquarters. The factory is now in operation and its primary function is to serve the Marine and Industrial markets with welded, fabricated and machined titanium products.
Welding |
Fabrication |
Wire feed tungston inert gas (TIG) is utilized in the factory for both its speed and superior weld quality. The benefit to our customers is affordable titanium tanks, water lift mufflers and so on. |
The 240 ton iron worker was manufactured by Scotchman from the ground up to be a "Titanium Worker." It has both stroke control and pressure control for making use of titanium's unique properties during fabrication. |
Stamping |
Custom Machining |
The Titanium Worker is unique in that it is duel station and can be operated by two workers simultaneously. The punch and stamping station is used to make washers, stanchion bases and even forgings. |
The machining and turning in the factory is directed towards expedited orders and custom products such as tangs, chainplates and padeyes. |